How did you do that!? That was freaking funny! Really really nice work! Original to... hope you make more... What about. "Sticks in the playground"? Okay mabe not...
How did you do that!? That was freaking funny! Really really nice work! Original to... hope you make more... What about. "Sticks in the playground"? Okay mabe not...
Stick death...
I have seen almost the same movie on sfdt... I liked the song though...
Aww, pore birdie!
Okay, good flash overall. But the end was, um what can i say... Special? Well it was funny and you just keep on flashing!
Yay, that was funny! I don´t no, but the main character looks like some cartoon figure... I dont know the name, but he is pretty funny... You just keep it up...
Verry verry nice!
What can i say... Freakin amazing! I cant say more... Nice done...
Well, some i liked some i loved, none i hated... The whole "David vs Goliath" thing was real cool!
Nicely done movie! Pretty confusing though. Why toads? And a puppetnazi? Hope you´ll make a sequel to explain...
Honk im a clown
in yur lawn
Joined on 12/1/04